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Pain & Gain Review

Michael Bay is most famous for his big budget movies that mostly appeal to teenage boys. Films like the Transformers series, Bad Boys II, Armageddon and Pearl Harbor. However with Pain & Gain, he slashes his big budget but keeps big stars. He also goes back to his roots by making it rated R. For good reason too. The film is chock-full of bad language, nudity, violence, drugs. It's also been heavily criticized for making a comedy out of a tragedy. The film stars Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Mackie, Ed Harris, Rob Corddry, among others.

Trying to chase the American Dream, three Miami bodybuilders kidnap and torture a rich man and steal all of his stuff. Then they try to do the same again but things all go wrong.

That is pretty much the story line to the film. There are funny moments in the film. The wareouse scene and the scene where they keep failing their plans. However the film would probably would have been better if it was made as a drama or even maybe made a little more truthfully. By that I mean adding the real story. Johnson's character is made up of about three or four actual people. That being said, it's not a film for everyone. Everyone is pretty much polarized on this film. Some like it some don't. In reality it's best for you to watch it and decide for yourself.

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