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Iron Man Review

Robert Downey Jr. had some troubles in the past. He has been in and out of rehab and prison. He had a very serious drug problem. No one ever thought he'd be as big a star as he is right now. If it wasn't for Mel Gibson (yes the Mel Gibson you hear about a lot on the news) Downey wouldn't be here right now. But he is. He really came back in 2008 after he starred in Tropic Thnder and Iron Man. No one ever thought that Downey would be a good Tony Stark, but after seeing him in the role, I can't see anyone else in that role. Downey is so charming and witty that he fits the role perfectly.

Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Son of legendary inventor and weapons contractor Howard Stark. When Tony Stark is assigned to give a weapons presentation to an Iraqi unit led by Lt. Col. James Rhodes, he's given a ride on enemy lines. That ride ends badly when Stark's Humvee that he's riding in is attacked by enemy combatants. He survives - barely - with a chest full of shrapnel and a car battery attached to his heart. In order to survive he comes up with a way to miniaturize the battery and figures out that the battery can power something else. Thus Iron Man is born. He uses the primitive device to escape from the cave in Iraq. Once back home, he then begins work on perfecting the Iron Man suit. But the man who was put in charge of Stark Industries has plans of his own to take over Tony's technology for other matters.

Iron Man is the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This film is so well made. It's funny, action packed, dramatic, and more. Downey and his supporting cast all do well. Terrence Howard is especially good and it's a shame that he was replaced with Don Cheadle. Gwenyth Paltrow is also memorable as Pepper Potts as is Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane. Iron Man is a fantastic film that will leave everyone waning more.

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