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Captain America: Civil War Review

The Marvel Cinematic Universe was an unexpected success. At least it was in the beginning. Right now it is one of the most profitable franchises ever. It has become so popular that DC Comics and Fox is trying to cash in on the superhero craze. However the films aren't nearly as good. But they are making money. X-Men was once a powerful franchise but the newest one just wasn't as good as First Class. Or Days of Future Past. DC is off to a rough start. Man of Steel sucked. Unfortunately so did Batman v. Superman, but that's for another review. Fox tried to kick start another franchise with Fantastic Four. However it was horrendous. And I refuse to watch it again to review it. Marvel is starting to release three movies per year starting in 2017. For a few years Marvel has been releasing two films per year. Now that doesn't sound too bad. But don't forget the other studios releasing superhero films as well. It has been starting too feel like it is too much.

With many people fearing the actions of super heroes, the government decides to push for the Hero Registration Act, a law that limits a hero's actions. This results in a division in The Avengers. Iron Man stands with this Act, claiming that their actions must be kept in check otherwise cities will continue to be destroyed, but Captain America feels that saving the world is daring enough and that they cannot rely on the government to protect the world. This escalates into an all-out war between Team Iron Man (Iron Man, Black Panther, Vision, Black Widow, War Machine, and Spiderman) and Team Captain America (Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Sharon Carter, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Ant Man) while a new villain emerges.

Lately there have been so many superhero films that it is too much. People are getting sick of them. However, this was a refresher. There was so much about this film that was great that it was like a cure for the people who were sick of the genre. This is a side of Tony Stark that wasn't shown in previous films. He genuinely believes that his side is the right side. He isn't a spoiled brat in the film. He has grown up throughout the Marvel films and it is evident in Civil War. On to the new recruits. This is Black Panther's first on screen appearance and it is fantastic. Chadwick Boseman plays the hero with such a commanding force that you can't help but focus on him when he is onscreen. Tom Holland plays Peter Parker/Spiderman (yes a third one) but this is arguably the best incarnation of the character. He plays a close version of the character in the comics. He is a shy, awkward and nerdy teen. And this version is exactly that. This film is basically another Avengers film. But with better action. This film features action that I have never seen in a film before. It is honestly spectacular. It features car chases gunfights, explosions and some of the best hand to hand combat I've ever seen on film. The Russo brothers have really upped the ante with this film and I cannot wait to see what they have in store for us in the next Avengers film.

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